SEO Techniques and Tips

SEO Techniques

SEO Techniques

When your  talking about SEO techniques, you’re either talking about one of two types of SEO. The first one is referred to as on page SEO, and the second is called as you might have guessed, off page SEO. They are both important, but the consensus seems to be these days that the more important of the two is the off page stuff. You can think of the off page stuff as basically a popularity contest, and the more websites that are out there that approval or like your website the higher you will be in the rankings. Now this approval is measured in the number of links that point to your site. There are other things that Google measures as well but to keep it simple let’s talk about the main important things.

Let’s go back a bit and talk about on page SEO. On page SEO is what you do to your website to make it more search engine friendly. That’s it in a nutshell. There are thousands and one things that Google looks at on your website to determine what it’s about, maybe more than 1001, but here the 8020 rule applies. You can get 80% of the way there with on page S EO by doing perhaps 20 basic things on your website. If you spend your time on those things your site will be well optimized. The key of course is figuring out what those 20 or so things are that you need to focus on, in order that the search engines understand what your website, and each individual post is talking about. I anticipate they will come a time when the intelligence behind Google, or whatever search engine is on top at that time, will be able to understand as well as we can if not better than we can what a website is talking about.

Websites that have similarly themed one way backlinks typically rank far better. Google has indeed one particular tool called Google pagerank. If your blog site is new, your Pr is in fact, zero. Google has since begun making use of loading time as a factor to position a site’s authority in research engines. Search engines like google are well known for altering their ranking methods and sudden declines in your search engine rating can happen over night.

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